Posts Tagged Happy new year

Standing in the twilight of 2012 and looking forward to the dawn of 2013

Don’t make a resolution just use this saying……………………..

In the last few months of 2012 my world changed with the news that my job was no more and it was time to say goodbye. The timing of this two months before Christmas and just eight months before my wedding left me feeling a blade between my shoulders and hearing the sound of the wolf at my door.

As I left  a friend of mine called Tom said “you never know this could be the best day of your life so far ” simply feeling that it was nothing more than an empty expression, nothing more than a hallmark moment I headed home.

My farther once told me that life is a big wheel one moment it can be grinding you under it, but all you have to do is hang just a little and you will be riding high again.

That was eight weeks ago and how right both of those expressions are, I left and spent every waking moment searching for a new job, I pushed and chased and resisted the urge to give in and watch daytime TV.

And now as I look towards the new year I have a new role inside one of the largest medical and beauty suppliers working across marketing, PR, and sales the new year will bring a move to larger offices and the company is growing and fast past, and needs representation at trade shows, and across media platforms, it is so far from the small family run business I left.

But I have to be thankful to my wonderful fiancée for not faltering for one moment, and next year I’m lucky enough to marry the most beautiful girl and have her as my wife.

The thing I shall take from 2012 is Tom’s words “the best day of my life so far” whenever a co-workers asks me how my day is going, or if the rain is starting to get me down, or any kind of question that offered with dull undertones I simply say that this is “the best day of my life so far”.

Every year I make a resolution to get fit or stop smoking or some other fashionable trend that ends on the third week of January. Not this year for 2013 I will take Tom’s saying and make it happen everyday, no matter how small, I will count my blessings and be thankful and I will make everyday in 2013 the best day of my life so far and hope you do as well.

Happy new year everyone may everyday be the best of your life. J

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